Stop Doing It All On Your Own
As someone with an entrepreneurial spirit — do you often take on way more than you should?
As an entrepreneur spirit myself— someone who was told over and over “where there’s a will there’s a way”—I often take on way more than I should. My friends and family often tell me: "Melanie, you don't say no very often." They're right.
I hate to be the one to break this to you. But here’s the hard, honest truth:
I'm not good at everything... and neither are you.
Ouch. Let that sink in.
You and I, we aren’t good at everything. No one ever is! So why do we try to do everything ourselves (including the things we’re not good at) when we’re just starting out?
Usually, it’s because we think we have to, that there is no other way to succeed in the beginning. And we’re definitely pinching that penny!
But you’re going to be your best self —and your business is going to have a stronger chance at growing positively—if you just focus on your strengths. There are two parts to this:
Step #1: Identify your natural talents.
Think about what types of tasks you enjoy the most because more often than not, the things we enjoy are also the things we are naturally good at. What makes you light up? What comes effortlessly to you? What could you spend hours upon hours doing? We don’t tend to like doing things that highlight our weaknesses!
One of my favorite things about my job is listening to the big dreams clients have for their business and visualizing the steps to achieve those goals. I love mapping these dreams and visions out into a tangible plan and checklist (I love lists!). It fills me up and it’s something I could never delegate to someone else on our Bright Moments team because I love it so much.
Another example is that I love planning adventures for our family, whether it's traveling far away or a quick day trip to the Eagle Creek State Park. The best memories are from exploring and discovering things about each other and I have absolute joy in finding new experiences.
So in your business and in life, discover which tasks you truly enjoy, and then spend the majority of your time doing those things.
Step #2: Get support with the stuff you’re not good at.
This is the best way to stop doing EVERYTHING yourself, and it also frees you up to do more of what you are good at, those things you love!
Think about all of the items on your to-do list that you don’t enjoy, you keep putting off, and that just plain make your work hours sooooo long. For those tasks you dread or just aren’t good at, find someone who can help in that area. Find another person who can do what you can’t. This will enable you to spend the majority of your time working in your bright spots, in your strengths. It also allows other people to work in their strengths.
Cleaning your house, filing your taxes, and mowing your lawn are all tasks you can get help with or hire someone else to do for you. This doesn't mean it has to cost money. It might be a family member with a connection or a friend with a specific skill set. And you know what happens? You fill that time doing something that will pay for it, two or three (or more) times over!
For example, if you run a weekly group program you may need to hire a sitter (aka oldest child), but you’ll make ten times that amount with your offer. Or, how many more consults could you schedule for next week if you hired someone to help with your newsletter and blog?
Embracing those bright moments in your lane of talent and finding assistance for the things getting pushed to the back burner will raise the level of excellence of your business as well as keep you energized for the long haul.
So here’s my challenge to you: Whether it’s hiring a helping hand for the admin side of your business or automating your emails, do one thing this week that will take something you don’t enjoy off your plate. You don’t have to do everything yourself. You can do more of what you love and less of what you don’t!