There's another social media platform??

There's a a lot of chatter around a new social platform called Clubhouse, which really is a great platform to host and attend intimate conversations on a variety of topics. Its "invitation only" set up is definitely fanning the flames of FOMO and the mystery of being an exclusive platform.

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Melanie Albright
How I Doubled My Client List with 2 Simple 'Tricks'

Recently, I had the realization that sometimes, simple things done really well can produce big results. All you need is communication and consistency. I’ve been taking a look back at why and how I am gaining new clients and getting more calls left and right — what am I doing that results in others reaching out to me for advice?

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Melanie Albright
Your Top Strengths

I love a good personality test, a good way of finding out love languages and different tools we can use to not only learn more about ourselves and how we tend to operate but those around us as well.

Most of my friends know I am loving the enneagram. I’m a Type Two — not a shocker there! Twos are the helper, the supporter, but it’s not all roses. For me, knowing someone’s enneagram opens a whole conversation that’s fun when everyone’s excited about it.

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Melanie Albrightstrengths
Don't Let Election Stress Derail Your Life

It’s days after the election, and obviously there’s still a lot we don’t know. They’re still tallying up the results, even in some local, state, and regional races.

I was thinking this morning about how I stayed up late Tuesday night to try and see the results and to figure out some local voting and tallies in Indiana as well as what everyone had on their minds.

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