Avoiding Technology Overwhelm

Technology is what allows me to have an online business. There are so many opportunities to grow and streamline things in my business with the latest apps and software. But there's this other side that really gets me upset — the amount of software apps and other technology that I have to wade through to get to the pieces that I need for my business.

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Melanie Albright
What makes a great CRM?

What makes a great client relationship management system?

Otherwise referred to as a CRM, client relationship management systems could be for clients or customers, depending on what type of business you have. I'm going to go through some highlights of what makes one great, and you can determine what would be the best one for you based on those criteria.

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Melanie Albright
Growing a Team: Where do you need support first?

When working with new or potential clients, we get a lot of questions like: “I think I need a virtual assistant, but I'm not sure what they should be doing. I don't know exactly how to best utilize them. There's so many different options, and so many different skill sets, I'm not sure where to start.”

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Melanie Albright
Tech Talk: Productivity Apps We Love

Did you know that in the early days of my business, I sent a contract and invoice from the bleachers at my son's baseball game? One of the main reasons I started this business was to be flexible for my family, and that means relying on technology every day.

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Melanie Albright
Nurturing Your New Client After They Say YES

One of the best ways to continue the nurturing process after someone has said yes, or has signed a contract to be a new client, is to provide them with a great and thorough onboarding experience.

I always recommend having some sort of welcome packet, or at the very least an internal checklist of steps, to go through to make sure they feel comfortable, have what they need, and are ready to get started.

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Melanie Albright
What should go in my email sequences?

Email marketing is still one of the biggest returns on investment in the game. I always talk about these critical automated emails as part of a lead magnet system. You want to make sure after the value you offer, giving them this great freebie, you want to incorporate nurturing and follow up into your process, and that it's automated so you don't have to think about it.

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Melanie Albright
Guest Blog : Why I HAD to sign up for this

This may seem like an odd “National Day” to have to sign up for but then I look at my lifestyle. I am a Work From Home Mama with an amazing tyrannosaurus three year old and a kick butt passion for serving others and seeing them flourish.

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Guest User